According to rules and regulations concerning RPAS operations in the Netherlands the following applies:
• operations allowed with aircraft with a maximum take-off mass of 150kg
• maximum operating speed of 20kts
• flights in non-segregated uncontrolled airspace
• permission from the site owner
• permission to take-off and land from the provincial authority (TUG)
• within visual line of site (VLOS)
• 400ft AGL vertical limit
• maximum distance of 500m from the PIC
• minimum of 150m distance from a crowd or structures
• no inspection activities within 150m of electromagnetic radiating sources
• within the visual flight rules (VFR) and daylight period (AIP)
Operations or flights may not be carried out before obtaining the required exemption from the NAA (ILenT). The aircraft must have a registration mark and must be registered with the Dutch aircraft registry. There must be a valid insurance and a NOTAM must be published.
An area used as a TUG site must meet the following requirements:
• the area is further than 50m from built up areas and structures
• the area is further than 25m from public roads
• the length of the area should be at least 100m the width should be at least 10m
• there must be a clear line of site during take-off and landing
A TUG location (and RPAS flight) is not allowed within a lowflying areas or below or within a distance of 3 nautical mile from a low flying area or a lowflying route as mentioned in article 4 and 5 of the ‘regeling VFR-nachtvliegen en minimum vlieghoogten voor miltaire luchtvaartuigen’, unless the use of the TUG location is restricted to Fridays after 17.00 LT, on Saturday, Sunday of national holidays (see ‘regeling veilig gebruik luchthavens en andere terreinen, artikel 21).